zondag 29 maart 2009


Today I tried to create the first figure on the LED cube, an O. In order to do this I had to switch between two patterns, two dots at the bottom in the middle and at the top in the middle, and two dots to the left in the middle and at the right in the middle. The trick was ensuring that the screen is blank in between, because any transistion LED will seem lit as well. The code became:

call Blank
movlw 96
movwf PORTC
movlw 6+96
movwf PORTB
call Blank
movlw 144
movwf PORTC
movlw 9+144
movwf PORTB
goto Display
movlw 240
movwf PORTC
clrf PORTB
retlw 0

Next step would be to have the delay loop automatically switch between two patterns... Although I might need more than two for complex figures. At 20 MHz it is completely invisible that such switching is taking place, except for the LED being slightly dimmer. Biggest problem is still that the bottom LED make it seem like the LED at the top are slightly lit. I might need to reduce their transparancy somehow.

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