zondag 20 november 2022

Mosha Eurorack Modules #8: Drum Module


The Drum Module is a 6 HP module with 4 different sound generators. The silver knob is for metallic sounds, with 5 separate oscillators. The knob controls both the decay (middle is highest decay) and filter (right is highest filter) of the sound. Each time a cable is plugged into the jack it will randomize the oscillator values, so the sound can be changed by replugging the cable.

The black knob is for a noise generator adding short bits of noise to other drums. Again the knob controls both decay and filter. The two gold knobs are for the two tom drums. The knobs control the pitch, whereas the purple knob controls the decay of the two toms (making one shorter makes the other longer). There is one output jack at the bottom, and four trigger jacks above it.

The circuits for each of the drums are different. The silver knob uses a PIC10F206 to generate the sound (source code). One of the pins of the PIC10F206 powers an one-transistor inverter with a capacitor, which allows a very clean decay to occur. This is then pushed through a TL074 OPAMP for both filtering and buffering, and then moved to a final inverting amplifier that sums the signals of the four drums with a 100k Ohm input. Since the metallic sounds can be quite loud there's also a trim potentiometer to adjust the level.

The black knob uses the standard noise circuit of the beat box instructable. There is a separate OPAMP to amplify the result. The decay is done using a JFET with a circuit from squarewav. This is not the best circuit, even with careful selection of resistors the decay is cut off rather early.

The tom drums are based on the simple twin T-drum design from Krakenpine. It was simplified even more by removing the tone and distortion parts and not massaging the input signal (because it will always come from the drum sequencer).

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