There are a number of cases where it is preferred to have a short trigger rather than a gate signal. This is yet another project for which a PIC10F206 was used. It uses all inputs and outputs, with one pair triggering each time the gate goes high (+2.1V or higher) and the other pair triggering each time the gate goes high OR low. This latter option can be used to double a clock if needed. Both can operate in the audio rate range, although it falters when the triggers get the same width as the incoming square wave.
The source code is here. The circuit just uses 2.2k jacks connecting things to the microcontroller, relying on the internal diodes to protect against voltages outside of the 0-5V range (since they can handle 20mA, this shouldn't be a problem at all with these resistors. Of course it would push the circuit out of specification, as it can't protect against other disturbances anymore).
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