zondag 7 december 2008

My calculator

On the piclist I recently posted that I would publish my calculator here. So here is the first installment, with picture.

As you can see, the calculator uses a weird keyboard that I found in the catalog of Jameco. It used an even smaller one first (with only 12 keys) and later I replaced it with the current one. It uses a PIC16F877A microcontroller to do basic arithmic operations, has an HD44780 display and works using 2 AAA batteries (and has worked on the same batteries since 2006). There is a LED to indicate it is on, as well as an on/off switch. I've started making a cover out of it (using a cat litter container) but this is not finished yet. The software for the calculator is available.

Features of the calculator are:
* Keeps time and date
* Alerts of birthdays
* Stores addresses
* Basic arithmetic (multiply, divide, addition, subtraction, random number)
* 0.00000001 to 99999999

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