For my next project I wanted to take the two kick drums I had in one of my most dense modules and give them some space. I also decided to use the design of Moritz Klein instead of the design I used then, because it allowed for longer decay times due to the second OPAMP (see his video for more details). I still wanted to have two drums, rather than one, so I decided to forgo the CV inputs for accent and tone and instead double the drums and add a mixer that mixes them together.
The purple drum is missing the tone control, and instead is fixed at 47k/22nF. I used 10nF and 22nF capacitors for the drums, tuning one slightly higher and the other slightly lower. I didn't use the 3.3nF capacitor for the distortion, so the sound is a bit harsher. I tried to minimize the wires, but it still ended up rather a big mess.
One big modification I did was to use the gate to trigger circuit I made for a 10F206, apply it to a 10F202 instead. This made the trigger circuit a lot easier. The complete schematic is as follows:
I also have a short video showing how it works and what it sounds like.